Thursday, August 5, 2010

The P & A Stamp of Approval

On the 5th day of the 8th month of the two thousand and tenth year since the birth of our Lord, Alex and Phil had been together for approximately six days. That's one day shy of a week for those of you who don't believe in calenders.
Upon awaking from a deep slumber the dynamic duo entered into a discussion on the finer things in life. I'm not talking about any MTV "Hot or Not" crap, but the revival of an ancient tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years from our ancestors: The P&A Stamp of Approval.

First up on the list: Carne Asada Fries. Possibly the most unhealthy meal on the planet. Take the usual deep fried potatoes we call french fries and smother them in sour cream, guacamole, cheese and picco de gallo. Then throw on some red and green salsa, squeeze some limes on there for good measure and voila! you've got God's lunch. Seriously. This will most def change your life: certain to result in supreme satisfaction, death or both. If you've got depression and high cholesterol just go for it. Suicide has never been so satisfying. Enough said.

Heavy Weights: "It's just Father Sky, Mother Earth and your dear old Uncle Tony."
Who needs an chuffin' Oscar when you can get a P&A Stamp of Approval? If I were to give a synopsis of this movie it would go as follows:
A bunch of chufflets at fat camp who are under the supervision of Richard Simmons on speed and LSD. Ben Stiller is Tony Perkis. Get ready to Perkisize, and "come here you devil log!"

We've been quoting this movie all week. You should too.

"You've been a good guard Nicholas. Strong and fair, your Queen would be proud."

Number three: Radical Face.
Take a base of The Shins and throw in a touch of Explosions in the Sky and Radiohead and you get this Indie Rocker (with shades of Iron and Wine thrown in the mix). He's a Pandora find for me. I've heard his music a few times on one of my stations over the past few months, and I've liked every song. So when I heard him this week I decided to buy the album. Dude. Legit. Alex bought it the next day and we've been rockin' the album nonstop since. It's a few years old, but it's fresh for us. Check it out!

Titled "Ghost."

Last but certainly not least, this gem is a result of clicking random links on

Anytime a UFC fighter decides to write a survival book and the cover is a picture of him in a loin cloth we will support it. Let's be honest, we'll never read it, but it is still B to the A.

Plus it seems rather ironic since we watched Terminator Salvation yesterday. This lead to a heated discussion: Zombie Apocalypse VS the world of Terminators. I maintain that living in the world of Terminators would be infinitely better than a world of Zombies, but Alex is more in favor of kicking zombie butt with out taking ANY names.

In either case we're certain we would be raiding Uncle Sam's Army Navy store across the street and buying a copy of this novel ASAP.

There you have it. P and A Approved and ready for business. Peace.


  1. Words cannot even express the joy that fills my being whenever I encounter anyone well versed in Heavyweight-isms. Well, no words except for these ones: “Oh look, a deli meat!” And while we’re at it… “Attention campers, lunch has been cancelled today due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.”

  2. Well Katie, in many ways you are responsible for our excessively adequate amount of quoting. Thanks for the recent revival of Heavy Weight lore.

    Hopefully we'll all hit the 16th level of the Perkis system by Memorial Day.

  3. You guys actually have a stamp! HAHAAHHAHAHAHA!!! This made my day. Alex, I'm still waiting for my feature article with my own stamp...
